Friday, October 07, 2005

Democracy at it's Best: Energy Bill and the CBS Poll

So today was a bad day for democracy. I was very surprised to see what took place today in the Congress in the House Floor. An Energy Bill was passed on the floor by a vote of 212 to 210. The bill itself is of questionable benefit, but what is unquestionable is that today was not a day for democracy. After a vote took place that left the bill failing 212-210, the GOP extended the vote by more than 30 mins so they could pressure some Republicans to vote for it. The arm twisting that took place helped ‘convince’ two Republicans to change their vote.

New York Times:

The legislation, which now goes to the Senate, passed 212-210, but not before a standoff on the House floor. Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., asked at one point, ''Is this the House of a Banana Republic.''

It looked as if the bill was going down to defeat, two votes shy of approval. Democrats to no avail called for gaveling the vote closed as GOP leaders lobbied
their own members to switch votes and support the bill.

''He worked me over a little,'' said Rep. Bill Young, R-Fla., among the last group of lawmakers to switch to support the legislation, referring to his discussions with House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois. Rep. Tom DeLay, who recently stepped down temporarily as majority leader after being indicted in Texas over a campaign finance issue, was as active as ever, administering pressure on wavering lawmakers in the crowded, noisy House chamber.

Finally, long after the vote had been scheduled to close, two GOP votes switched, providing the Republican victory. A tie would have killed the bill. ''Shame, shame, shame,'' came a chorus from the Democratic side of the aisle.

Afterward, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California called it all ''a shameless display of the Republican culture of corruption,'' a theme she has used in recent days on a number of issues since DeLay's indictment in Texas on conspiracy and money laundering charges in connection with campaign finance activities.

I know Democrats do the same thing from time to time, and I condemn that also. Is this the will of the people or the will of the party?

The good news is, CBS is reporting President Bush is at his lowest approval rating EVER! I guess the fog is finally clearing.


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